페이스 북글

2013년 6월28일 Facebook 이야기

woody7553 2013. 6. 28. 23:59
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    21 세기 미래를 향한 새 시대의 개막/ 한국과 중국이 세계를 리드하는 새시대가 드디어 장엄의 문이 열렸다. 양국 정상 실무접촉 크게 환영합니다. !!
    중국 언론들은 27일 박근혜 대통령을 ‘라오펑유(老朋友)’로 칭했다. 오랜 친구이자 친한 벗을 뜻한다. 이명박, 노무현 전 대통령의 방중 때는 안 쓰던 표현이다. 왜 그럴까. ○ 박 대통령은 ‘중국의 오랜 친구’ 라오펑유의 주요 시발점은 시진핑(習近平) 중국 국가주석이다. 그는 3월 박 대통령과 통화하면서 “중국 인민과 나의 라오펑유”라고 말했다. 두 정상은 2005년 서울에서 한나라당 대표와 저장(浙江)성 당서기로서 처음 만났다. ‘8년 지기’인 셈이다. 최근 화춘잉(華春瑩) 외교부 대변인도 박 대통령을 “중국 인민의 라오펑유”라... 
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    → 이길룡 중국에 부는 이런 ‘박근혜 바람’, 즉 박풍(朴風)은 어디서 왔을까. 전문가들은 고난을 딛고 대통령이 된 삶에 대한 중국인들의 관심과 박 대통령이 여러 차례 중국을 방문해 최고위층과 두꺼운 인맥을 쌓으면서 한중 간 우호를 강조한 데서 비롯된 것 같다고 말했다.

    박 대통령이 중국을 존중하는 태도를 보인 데 깊은 인상을 받았다는 설명이다. 중국 언론들은 박 대통령이 기존 관례를 깨고 일본보다 중국을 먼저 방문한 것을 비중 있게 보도했다. 박 대통령이 농담조로 자서전에서 “첫사랑은 (삼국지의) 조자룡”이라고 했다거나 펑유란(馮友蘭)의 ‘중국철학사’를 감명 깊게 읽었다는 점을 높게 사고 있다.
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    → 이길룡 21세기 미래를 향한 협력 우호동맹 한국과 중국의 새시대를 열다.
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    They also exchanged views on ways to implement annexes to a joint statement on the future vision of bilateral relations that Park and Chinese President Xi Jinping adopted during their summit on Thursday. In particular, Park and Li discussed ways to boost bilateral economic cooperation.

    Ahead of meeting with Li, Park also met with Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Zhang Dejiang and discussed ways to advance South Korea-China relations and pending issues regarding the Korean Peninsula.

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    → 이길룡 Ahead of meeting with Li, Park also met with Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Zhang Dejiang and discussed ways to advance South Korea-China relations and pending issues regarding the Korean Peninsula.
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    → 이길룡 Earlier in the day, President Park also had a luncheon meeting with Chinese President Xi and his wife. The presidential office in Seoul said it's an unusual show of hospitality for Xi to host a luncheon after holding an official state dinner with Park a day earlier.

    The meeting was attended by Seoul's Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se and senior presidential foreign affairs secretary Ju Chul-ki, and China's State Councilor Yang Jiechi and Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

    Presidential spokeswoman Kim Haing said the two leaders had candid discussions at the lunch on their bilateral cooperation, especially in case of a change in the situation on the Korean Peninsula.
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    The two leaders held a joint news conference following their talks and announced that the two sides will solidify their strategic cooperative partnership.

    In a joint statement on the future vision of bilateral relations, released after the talks, the two leaders made it clear they will not tolerate North Korea's nuclear program. They also specified in the document that the North's nuclear program poses a serious threat to peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula, in Northeast Asia and beyond. The two presidents also agreed that establishing a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula and maintaining peace in the region is a common interest of the two countries.

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    → 이길룡 During the conference, Xi called for the resumption of the stalled six-party talks, aimed at denuclearizing North Korea.
    Park and Xi also agreed to work on forging a comprehensive free trade agreement between the two countries.
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    → 이길룡 President Park Geun-hye has stressed the importance of China's role in ensuring Seoul's North Korea policies succeed.

    Park made the remark at a meeting with South Korean residents in Beijing Friday as she stressed the international community's role in helping South Korea deal with the North.

    The president said she spent a lot of time discussing China's role in persuading Pyongyang to move in the right direction during her summit talks Thursday with Chinese President Xi Jinping.
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    → 이길룡 on her second day of her state visit to China, President Park Geun-hye had a breakfast meeting with her delegation of South Korean business leaders accompanying her.

    She invited on Friday all 71 business delegates to the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing where she is staying and assessed achievements of South Korea-China economic cooperation of the past 20 years.

    The president urged the officials to think of new ways of cooperation for the next two decades.