일본경기 회복의 단초가 된 엔저현상 역시 흔들린다. 지난달 22일 달러 당 103.7엔까지 올랐던 엔화가치는 31일 100.5엔으로 후퇴했다. 일각에선 이달 초 달러 당 100엔이라는 심리적 저항선 아래로 내려갈 것으로 관측을 내놓는다.
요동치는 아베노믹스에 세계경제는 휘청대고 있다. 글로벌 주가지수인 모건스탠리캐피털인터네셔널(MSCI) 지수는 지난달 30일 전주 대비 0.3% 내려갔다. 미국의 10년물 국채금리도 2.11%로 10bp 상승했다.
파이낸셜타임즈(FT)는 지난달 30일(현지시간) 사설에서 "일본의 거대한 통화실험이 다른 나라의 경제를 불안하게 만들 것이란 우려가 점점 커지고 있다"고 지적했다.
올때가 왔다. 그 짧은 시기에 --- !!media.daum.net
(서울·세종=연합뉴스) 방현덕 박수윤 기자 = 파죽지세였던 일본의 아베노믹스가 휘청대고 있다.주식시장이 폭락을 거듭하는가 하면 국채금리는 1%에 다다랐다. 아베 집권 이후 20% 넘게 절하됐던 엔화가치도 다시 달러당 100엔 밑으로 내려올 태세다. 국가부도 위험 역시 급등해 한국에 재역전당했다.2일 금융투자업계에 따르면 지난달 31일 일본의 5년 만기 -
'Touching infinity'
Brooks, who is studying international ocean policy, was one of 30 U.S. scientists monitoring Antarctica's unique eco-system, as part of a National Science Foundation research cruise.
During the summer months, Antarctica -- the southern most tip of the globe -- is transformed into a bewitching "Land of the Midnight Sun," where the sun never dips below the horizon, instead continuously moving in circles.
After more than a week of this extraordinary phenomenon, the team finally saw their first sunset at 1.am -- an experience Brooks described as "like touching infinity."
The ship wound its way along the stunning Ross Sea -- believed to be the last untouched marine eco-system on the planet -- providing scientists with an important insight into one of our few remaining healthy waterways.
www.cnn.com -
→ 이길룡 Despite the breathtaking beauty of this icy underworld, conditions could also be brutal with winds of 110 kilometers per hour and temperatures plunging to -40C.
on these extreme days, scientists weren't allowed outside on the deck covered in a slippery -- and dangerous --layer of ice.
"If you fell overboard you'd be dead within minutes because the water is below freezing," said Brooks.
"Yet it's an environment that's also teeming with animals such as emperor penguins and Weddell seals." -
revolving and remember it again, Here we are with her president Park keun hae Korea to be heard on touching and honorable speeches all together with proud in congress great new world U.S.A . thanks a lot --- !
Kim and Hagel met on the sidelines of the Asia Security Summit where they discussed strengthening the bilateral alliance and cooperation against North Korean threats.
The two also discussed ways to enhance military strength after the transfer of the wartime operational control (OPCON) between the two militaries as scheduled in 2015.
The two sides agreed to maintain the current combined command structure by establishing a combined theater command, similar to the Seoul-based Combined Forces Command, after the OPCON transfer. The allies agreed that the new joint operations body will be led by a South Korean commander and an American deputy commander.
world.kbs.co.kr -
→ 이길룡 Following the bilateral meeting, Kim and Hagel met with their Japanese counterpart Itsunori onodera. During the trilateral meeting, the defense chiefs discussed security issues surrounding the Korean Peninsula and called on North Korea to comply with the UN Security Council resolutions.
The Defense Ministry said the three ministers showed their support for the UN Security Council’s decision to take additional measures if North Korea carries out additional nuclear tests or missile launches.
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