페이스 북글

2014년 1월6일 Facebook 이야기

woody7553 2014. 1. 6. 23:59
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    Noting next year will mark 70 years since the division of Korea, the president said it is time to begin preparing for an era of reunification.
    If North Korea takes a sincere step towards denuclearization, she said South and North Korea as well as the international community will be able to do meaningful work towards real peace on the Korean peninsula and the co-prosperity of Northeast Asia.
    Anchor: President Park Geun-hye has pledged to form the groundwork for the two Korea's unification this year. During a nationally-televised news conference Monday, the president proposed holding inter-Korean family reunions around Lunar New Year's Day, which falls at the end of the month. Our Kim In... 
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    → 이길룡 통일되면 남북양방에 확실한 대박을 앉겨준다.
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