페이스 북글

2013년 5월27일 Facebook 이야기

woody7553 2013. 5. 27. 23:59
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    tow facials expressions those who are same as conscience-badness with ignorant their deceptions, this is a japaness politician`s histories toward all asians and world as well---!
    망언을 일삼는 하시모토 유신회 대표가 이번엔 궤변을 늘어놓았습니다. 일본은 위안부 관련 법적 책임을 다했으니까 억울하면 국제사법재판소에 제소하라는 것입니다. 도쿄 홍수진 특 
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    → 이길룡 오키나와의 주일 미군에게 매춘업소를 적극 이용하라고 한 자신의 발언은 미군과 미국 국민이 모욕으로 느낄 수 있어 부적절했다며 철회하고 사죄한다고 했다.

    하시모토 대표의 이같은 태도는 한국 등 인접국 반발은 무시한 채 미국 여론에만 고개를 숙이는 아베 총리와도 닮아있다.

    아베 총리는 지난 2007년 위안부 관련 망언에 대해 비판이 일자 미.일 정상회담 자리에서 "죄송한 마음뿐"이라며 엉뚱하게 부시대통령에게 사과한 바 있다
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    A personal envoy to North Korea's leader indicated Kim Jung Un was open to restarting nuclear disarmament talks, a move that came as China's leader delivered a blunt message to Pyongyang to return to the negotiating table, Chinese state-run media reported Friday.

    Kim's personal envoy, who was on a three-day visit to China, hand-delivered a letter from Kim to President Xi Jinping at a meeting in Beijing before returning to North Korea on Friday, according to state media.

    A personal envoy to North Korea's leader indicated Kim Jung Un was open to restarting nuclear disarmament talks, Chinese state-run media reported Friday. 
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    → 이길룡 China's president strongly urged North Korea to return to the negotiating table --- to wretched kim rattler and his follower shit go hell
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    → 이길룡 thanks Mr. Chae for your response and have a good lucky today ^^
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    → 이길룡 bellicose ratller North korean Mr. Kim jong un you'll be died soon absolutely If you return to peaceful dialogue that called 6 party's meeting, and give up the nuclear weapon appearantely with your oun resoution! remember it definitely ---! we have no time to wait for you.
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    → 이길룡 Hello Dian Diane Kim ^^ good to see you today ^^ have a nice time and missed you ^^ good day for you ^^