업계에서는 'GM 논란'의 핵심은 "결국 비용 증가에 미치지 못하는 생산성 저하에 따른 것"이란 분석이 많다. 정몽구 현대차그룹 회장 역시 최근 "(노사 갈등으로) 국내 생산 물량이 떨어지면 해외에서 물량을 늘리는 방안을 짜라"고 지시한 것도 같은 맥락으로 보인다. GM은 한국에서 부평과 군산·창원·보령 등지에 공장 5곳을 가동하며 지난해 완성차 80만대, 반조립제품(CKD) 127만대 등 총 207만여대를 생산했다. 80% 이상(192만5000여대)을 미국과 유럽 등지로 수출했다. 고용 인원은 1만7000명 선이다.
또 GM이 2015년까지 중국에서 지금보다 두 배 많은 500만대를 생산하겠다고 한 발표 역시 '한국 물량' 축소를 의미하는 것이란 분석도 있다. 한국GM은 지난 9일 산업은행 등 채권단이 보유한 7500억원 규모의 상환우선주 14만9333주를 전량 조기 상환했다. 현금배당률이 올해부터 7%(지난해 5%)로 늘어나는 데 따른 재무부담을 줄이기 위한 조치라는 게 회사 측 설명이었다.
은행빚 갚고 공장 이전 발언도… 심상찮은 한국GM -
American radar and satellites are trained on the east coast of the Korean Peninsula, where the communist government of Kim Jong Un is believed to have prepared mobile ballistic missiles for launch at any time, U.S. and South Korean officials warned.
Is a North Korea missile test imminent?
Pyongyang to foreigners: Leave S. Korea
White House has message for North Korea
What will happen if missile launches? Japan has deployed missile defense systems around Tokyo, some Chinese tour groups have canceled visits to North Korea and the top U.S. commander in the Pacific said Tuesday that he couldn't recall a time of greater tension in the region since the end of the Korean War in the 1950s.
U.S. and South Korean officials have warned that North Korea could carry out a missile test at any point. -
→ 이길룡 as a cost upon up provok of North korea must be waitted a severed a something like that demolitions from saturations Bombing --- !North korea now just be careful considerately ---!! world neigboring no tolerant any idea on plunder's provok like that North koreran, go hell --- !! you got it disqualified already !
KTO's DMZ office said tours were operating normally. The KTO was unable to provide specific DMZ visitor data.
"We are not afraid at all!" said a member of a group of tourists from Hebei, China, when asked why they'd decided to visit the DMZ in the midst of current reports. "There will be only peace here."
According to Professor Lankov, there's a reason Chinese tourists are unruffled by the threats from North Korea.
According to the North Korea expert, Chinese media isn't reporting on the situation in dire tones. He said Chinese reporters haven't adopted the posture of their Western counterparts, "like CNN and BBC, as if war is going to break out."
Despite bluster from Pyongyang, South Korea is recording record numbers of tourists.
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